Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mountain Monsters on Destination America

I happened to come across a new show on Destination America called Mountain Monsters. A group of trappers and hunters who call themselves A.I.M.S. go from place to place hunting mysterious creatures. If there's going to be people running around trying to capture the Wolf Man there's no one I'd rather have than hunters and trained trackers and trappers.

On this episode as previously stated, A.I.M.S. traveled to Kentucky to find and trap the Wolfman. Now the fact that they seemed to jump wholeheartedly into believing there is a Wolfman running around instead to ruling everything else out first bothers the skeptic in me. Do I believe in a giant Wolf Man roaming in Kentucky's wilderness? Of course not, but the show did do a good job in selling me on the fact that there is something giant roaming around the Kentucky wilderness. 

While watching the show, I did find myself not wanting it to end so I could see whatever it is eating huge deer and dragging it back to its den, and leaving huge footprints all over the region. Next week seems to be a hunt for the Grassman which I am assuming its another name for Bigfoot but I will watching.

*Note: As Mountain Monsters enters season 4, I have viewed this show since season 1. Apparently everyone loves hillbilly's running around shooting things. Has anyone had their eye shot out yet?

Roy Weedmark is the owner of Paranormal Discord. Paranormal Discord is an attempt to poke fun of the dysfunctional world we call ghost hunting.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pyramids found deep in the Bermuda Triangle?

Deep down below the cold surface of the Bermuda Triangle, pyramids have been discovered by Paul Wein and Pauline Zalitzk.  Even better is that they appear to be made of crystal. Why in the Bermuda Triangle? Why built from Crystal? What is a pyramid even used for?

Since archeologists don't really know how the pyramids were built let alone what their purpose was, there has been several debates. The mainstream opinion is that they were used for burial chambers or tombs for the Pharaohs. There are several websites tying the pyramids around the world together saying the are gateways to other dimensions. When we visit these special sites, only the truly enlightened, the truly ready will be able to see the pyramids true purpose. The Bermuda Triangle was part of this theory, as one of the cornerstones of our higher consciousness. Are they hinting at where we are supposed to be?

Another opinion is that they were used as power plants, as the way the chambers and tunnels inside would suggest. In a study, scientists followed what they thought was a ventilation shaft only to find metal prongs in a chamber that once held a chemical that would be used for power. Does anyone know that all these sites are connected by Ley lines and that the Pyramids are located in one of the highest energy zones on the planet? Even the pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle are believed to be on Ley Lines.

 Now, if the Bermuda pyramids are made of crystal then crystal can indeed project energy. Could these be the first pyramids? The speculation of how these objects managed to wind up two thousand meters under the surface ranges from the normal earthquake made them fall in, to the Atlantis theory. As far as Atlantis goes, I would love to believe Atlantis existed, but besides the story by Plato, there has been no evidence that I am aware.of.   Is it possible that these were just built under the ocean? That maybe the energy forces that radiate from these mysterious structures are what's making boats and planes disappear? Maybe the mass amounts of energy created are making vortexes that are trapping objects entering the area.

To anyone who knows of Tesla and his coils, then we know that natural energy is indeed possible. If it weren't for J.P. Morgan who was the financier for Tesla we would have the free energy today. Even on Youtube, there are videos on how to create Stirling engines that give you free energy. Are these giant Stirling engines? The past is the key to our future, so are these trying to show us the way to a better future?

Roy Weedmark is the owner of Paranormal Discord. Paranormal Discord is an attempt to poke fun of the dysfunctional world we call ghost hunting.